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And I never had a plan B. I never stopped believing. Ever. Don’t give up. Apply constant pressure for as long as it takes. It will break before you do. Go get it.
— Chris Pratt

This past week was a serious step forward in the "get my life together" department. My mom is so right, the first two weeks I do anything, I am always miserable and then week three is when it all starts to turn around. 

I made the commitment last Monday to start getting up at 6AM every morning for the rest of the school year and work out. Doing this for many reasons, but mostly to get active again and make myself get out of bed to start the day earlier. The productivity resulting from this schedule change has been insane! I have more energy throughout the day, I get more work done before class/work and I find I am in a better mood, bonus!  I do the Body Rock HIIT Max workout routine and it is absolutely amazing. The host Lisa is a total beast, true inspiration! Try it out if you dare... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUtBFWkUYzI

The other catalyst setting my life into an overall overhaul was a wonderful Skype interview I had with a placement recruiter for a temp agency. He gave me a wealth of wonderful feedback on how to make my website, resume and overall brand stronger to better communicate my skills and experience. This guy was a gold mine and I am so happy with the results.

My resume now describes the full breadth of my skills and knowledge, honors, and still looks sexy while displaying more of the hard skills required for each job, listing more of my honors and awards. My new business cards have been rebranded to match the rest of my collateral, black and white, simple type with a strong grid. Got them from Moo during their annual sale, worth it when you are getting the Luxe edition. 

My website is still a work in progress but I now have detailed quick reference descriptions on every side bar detailing the project type, client, and software used. All in effort to make my experience more tangible, these changes serve to me more SEO friendly in hopes that when I apply for jobs, my application will surface first when recruiters are searching key terms.