Hello, I'm Kelly.

The short.

Lead UX Designer. Fine Artist. Ballerina. Skier. Wake Surfer. VW Enthusiast. Low-FODMAP Foodie. Reddit Elf. Curator of Joy!

The long.

Hello, Iโ€™m Kelly Brown!  I am a Lead UX Designer & Researcher at IQVIA, a Fortune 500 and S&P 500 multinational company serving the combined industries of health information technology and clinical research.

I currently work on the IQVIA Design System (IDS). As a founding member, I led the migration of our design system from Sketch to Figma, where we rebuilt it from scratch with the goal of 1:1 feature parity with development, while also being one of the first companies to be fully tokenized using Figma's new Variables feature.

In addition to my contributions as a designer, I have acted as the research lead on our team conducting extensive quantitive and qualitative research. One of my proudest achievements in this body of work was my successful lobbying for end-to-end research as part of our process. My passion for "data-driven design", as I like to call it, can now be seen in every stage of our design and development life-cycle. This focus on research means that we are making a system that better meets our users needs, empowers designers to create better components, saves time and development work, helps us to iterate more quickly and best of all, saves our company money.

Outside of my day to day work, I am passionate about professional development in creative roles, especially of young artists. I also enjoy creating in many other mediums including: Graphic design, illustration, letterpress printing, screen printing, ceramics, paper crafting, photography, motion graphics, hand lettering, electronic art and mixed media.

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